Whether you’ve been dealing with chronic, nagging aches and pains, or have suffered an acute injury physical therapy can help. Physical therapy is a great resource for conservative treatment of most musculoskeletal and neurological conditions.
All physical therapy appointments at TCPT will consist of 1 on 1 supervision and feedback from a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Your plan will be individualized, consisting of manual therapies, strengthening activities, and appropriate mobility/stability drills in order to give you the tools to be an active participant in your recovery. All interventions will be implemented to address your current limitations and progress towards achieving your goals and improving your health.
sports Performance Training
Everybody could benefit from a well-rounded health and wellness plan to get you faster, stronger, more resilient to the demands of your life. Whether that includes competitive sports or caring for your toddler. If you’re looking to take the next step in your health and fitness goals, then our performance training appointments are for you.
We have 1 on 1 and small group classes for performance training options which all include appropriate guidance, inclusion of soft tissue mobilization, dynamic warm-up, movement strategies, strength training, agility and plyometric training, and recovery interventions all centered on the specific demands of your goals.
Compression therapy is clinically and scientifically proven method for recovery. Compression therapy speeds up recovery by improving circulation and lymphatic function, and reducing soreness and swelling. Rapid Reboot Recovery session offers dynamic compression proven to enhance blood flow, eliminate soreness, and speed up recovery. Spend up to 30 minutes in Rapid Reboot leg, hip, or arm compression sleeves to help enhance blood flow, eliminate soreness, and speed up recovery.